Monday, January 15, 2007

California Dreamin' on such a winter's day...

Luckily, I dragged my ass out to hit the gym. Holy moley was it crowded this morning. I guess the New Year resoluters are still at it. But it was a really good class, I sweat like a pig and felt good afterwards. Then grabbed a quick lip wax (discovered this great little place close to home when I can't run out at lunch at work: Maxi Nails), and came home to soak in a nice toasty shower. So I'm all squeaky-clean, smelling of mango butter and well-exercised.

I'm so excited. I'm so not a fruit person. I try to like it. Really I do. But it always seems so...sweet. Like unnaturally sweet. But I want to eat better, so I re-discovered that I do like Macintosh apples. So I've been eating those. And I plan to have some banana with my oatmeal (mmm....baked oatmeal). And I discovered this juice: a fruit juice I like! Bolthouse Farms Passion Apple Carrot juice. I think the trick is, is that the carrot kind of reduces the tartness of the other fruits. It's delicious.

And I think my hair is finally recovering from that haircut, which was over 3 weeks ago. It's growing in nicely and finally starting to make nicer curls. So now I can finally try the Oyin stuff I had ordered now that I have control group hair back. I slathered on some Shine and Define Serum to see what that'd do without my usual Aussie Dual Personality before it. It smells incredibly lemony, so that's a bonus. And I like supporting smaller companies who are committed to serving all hair types. Oyin is good stuff.

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